Join In the Fun With SSIPB Social Events

Everyone knows that pickleball is one of the most social games ever. SSIPB expands beyond the pickleball court to bring players together in other fun and enjoyable activities.

Happy Hour at the Beach is Back!

Join your fellow SSI pickleball enthusiasts at the beach for “Happy Hour” the first Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Bring your favorite libation, beach chair and snack to the SSI beach between 5th and 6th Streets and enjoy the Island Life.

The 4th Annual Mini Golf Tournament

Was Lots of Fun !

Although the date for this year’s Mini Golfevent forced many to choose between events, like the GOLDEN OLDIES PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT,  seventeen players turned out for a record setting performance by Pam Stephens, a visitor from the Nashville area, and friend of Carolyn Harper. Pam more than succeeded  at the ultimate test of everyone’s skills on the MINI golf circuit (aka putt putt) which is not the final score, but how many holes-in-one a player can achieve. Mary Kline held the record from the first event with three, tied last year by Pat Pounds. Pam set a new standard with four and had several “lip outs” which could have pushed that record even higher. Carolyn was accused of bringing in a pro, but Pam quickly confirmed her amateur status.

 The shot of the night however belonged to Diane Neville.  On the always difficult  Hole 16 Diane bypassed a ramp leading to three ports with tunnels connecting to a lower deck where the hole is located.  Diane’s shot jumped the ramp , landed on the lower deck and rolled directly in the hole. Clearly Diane had a strategy for playing the hole that the course designers had not envisioned.

 As always, the evening ended with an excellent dinner of pizza and salads at Red Bug Pizza.