Board Meeting Minutes

Casino Building, Room 112, 10am

In attendance:   Mary Kline, Bill Carmichael, Murray Pounds, Suzi Hassel, Theresa Ellis

Invited Guest:  Susan Geeslin

I. Meeting was called to order by Mary Kline at 10:05am.

II. New Board Members for 2024—MK reporting

Motion was made by BC to approve for 2 new board members, seconded by TE—Susan Geeslin and Karen Figeroa. Vote to approve new members was unanimous.

III. SSI Pickleball Board of Officers for 2024—MK reporting

   Motion by made by MP for our new slate of board officers for 2024, seconded by SH—Murray Pounds, President; Mary Kline, Vice President; Bill Carmichael, Treasurer; Theresa Ellis, Secretary.  Vote to approve 2024 board members was unanimous

IV. Pickle Paddle Battle III—BC reporting

Date is April 20-21, 2024, online registration is currently open.

Sponsors—3 levels: Platinum $500, Gold $250, Silver $150, 6 for each level. BC mentioned that the Competition Committee, when up and running, could assist in getting sponsors, and that SSIP members could be tapped for sponsors as well. Email will be sent to SSIP membership regarding sponsorship opportunities.

V. North Courts—MK reporting

   At this point in time, only the lines need to be completed. SSIP can assist Ambassadors Joe and Theresa Peeples in anyway needed in their activities, including assist them in their Opening Day events and in any tournaments/competitions, as requested.

VI. Committees—MK reporting

Board will provide a liaison for each committee, board liaison will attend committee meetings, each committee needs a leader/chair and a notetaker/secretary, and committees will meet as needed and report to SSIP board for approval. 2024 Board liaisons are: Competition—Bill Carmichael, Public Relations—Murray Pounds, Social—Suzie Hassel. Email will be sent to SSIP membership for more volunteers and board will reach out to members personally. MK will email the board the sign-up committee sheets from our year-end meeting.

VII. USAPA—MK reporting

Discussions have been held with USAPA and their representation on the local level. SSIP is not affiliated with USAPA.

VIII. 2024 Board Meetings Schedule—MP reporting

   Meeting quarterly on 2nd Wednesdays, 10am in Room 112 at Casino

   1/4—first quarterly meeting (today’s meeting)

   4/10—second quarterly meeting

   7/10—third quarterly meeting

   10/9—fourth quarterly meeting

Annual Meeting December 2, 2024 at 5:30pm in Room 108 at Casino

TE will contact Jen at Mallery Office to book rooms.

IX. 2024 Goals—MP reporting

   1) Sideline shade coverings at Mallery Courts

   2) Dual-lined Courts at 1) Mallery and 2) Epworth

   3) Partnership with North Glynn Group

   4) Getting committees up and running and comfortable in their roles

X. County Reimbursement—BC reporting

Glynn County reimbursed the board $428 for the November Sunrise court rental fees. November Sunrise benefitted the Veterans Village in Brunswick.  BC moved that SSIP donate this $428 to the Veterans Village in Brunswick, seconded by SH. Vote to approve donation of $428 to the Veterans Village was unanimous.

XI. Meeting was adjourned by MP at 11:35AM.

Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ellis, SSIP Secretary


Board Meeting Minutes